Joselin Matkins

Joselin Matkins

Joselin Matkins

Joselin will be remembered for her dedication and leadership as part of TCISAR. She led the Foundation as President through 2019 and developed a sustainable organization to support the Operations Rescue team of which she was also a member.

Joselin was the heart and soul of the Foundation and she will be deeply missed by all of TCISAR members. We will continue to carry on her work to ensure that rescue resources are available for those who recreate on the land that she loved so deeply.  We will miss her leadership, enthusiasm, beautiful smile and hearty laugh.  Our hearts go out to her family, friends, and colleagues as well as the entire Teton Valley Community to which she contributed so much.


Brian McDonnell

Brian McDonnell

Brian McDonnelL

Brian spent his 50 short years taking on life with strength, courage and adventure. In 1997 he solo-hiked the Appalachian Trail southbound, where he met Jennifer, his partner in life, on a stopover. Soon after, they continued hiking the Great Smoky Mountains section of the trail together. A few months later they moved to Jackson, built a home, a business (Leisure Sports) and a beautiful family together.

As an avid backcountry skier, mountain climber, snowmobiler, oarsman and dedicated member of the Teton County Idaho Search and Rescue team, Brian was most comfortable exploring the mountains and the rivers he loved. He climbed Mount Hood, Mount Adams and Mount Rainier back to back over a seven-day period in 2014 before learning of his colorectal cancer illness in 2016. Still, his favorite climbs were right here at home among the peaks of Grand Teton National Park. Brian joined TCISAR in 2012 and was a member until his passing.


Ray and Pako

Ray and Pako

Ray Shriver

Shriver was a founding member of the Teton County Search and Rescue in Jackson, Wyoming. He was a gifted dog handler and mentor to many of today’s search and rescue volunteers in the region.

Shriver was killed February 15, 2012 near Togwotee Mountain Lodge while on a mission to assist an injured snowmobiler. The helicopter Shriver was riding in went down in high winds. Shriver and fellow TCSAR volunteer Mike Moyer were injured, as was the pilot Ken Johnson. Shriver later died at the scene waiting for help. He was 63.
